Welcome to the Water Rat Sailing Club!

Congratulations on becoming a member of The Water Rat Sailing Club. We hope you’ll come to love this special place as much as we do and have many happy days spent on and around Toronto’s Outer Harbour waters. 

Here are some answers to common questions new members have. Don’t see what you’re looking for? You can contact one of our board members to find out more. Have fun (and stay safe) on the water!

How do I get in the gate?

We have invested in a Salto digital lock which is opened by the Salto KS app on your cellphone. Please watch the following videos to see how they work. Physical fobs can be purchased from our Key Rat

Members must leave the gate locked at all times after entering and leaving.

How do I get a place for my boat?

Contact the Paddling Rat to get an assignment for your kayak or canoe. 

Contact the Dinghy Rat or Key Rat for where to leave your dinghy.

Catamarans have spaces assigned by the Key Rat

Trailers are stored in the back two rows, closest to the road and the space near the water is reserved for boats. 

All boats and trailers stored at the club must have an identification sticker which can be obtained from the Paddling or Key Rats.

Are there any additional responsibilities for where I keep my boat?

Members are asked to keep the grass cut around their boats.

Is there somewhere to keep my other equipment such as lifejackets, ropes, etc.?

We have lockers available for rent for $40-60 per season. Please do not keep your personal items in the clubhouse. Several sets of lockers are located on the west side of the property, including in the brown container.

Where are the washrooms?

There are two porta-potties located on the driveway up to the club. They are cleaned regularly throughout the season.

Is there a place to change out of wet clothes?

There is a men’s and women’s changeroom located in the clubhouse.

How do I access the clubhouse?

Please use the same digital key or fob that you used to enter the property.

Can I visit the club any time or are there set hours?

Come anytime you like. The more people on the grounds at various hours, the less likely we are to have issues with theft and intruders.

Where can I park? Put my bicycle?

Members can park on the property. Guests are asked to park outside on Regatta Road. There is a bicycle rack on the north side of the club house.

Is there anywhere either at the club or out on the water where I cannot go?

Always use common sense on the water - and don’t forget your safety equipment!  Please paddle around the Rat Point – the partially submerged small point of land east of the club – and not through it. We don’t want the erosion to get any worse.

The property and clubhouse are accessible to all members (except the locked container and locked room which house club equipment.)

Can I bring guests?

Yes, to a limit of 10, but club members must be present with guests at all times. 

Private events and those with a group larger than 10 guests are subject to board approval and must adhere to guidelines in the membership rules. 

Can I use the barbeques?

Yes, but please use only one, leaving one free for other members. Please clean the BBQ - and any mess in the clubhouse - when you are finished with it.

What do I do with my garbage?

Please take your garbage with you if you. There is garbage collection in the large garbage bin at the back but no recycling at the club.

Is there a place to fill up my water bottle?

We have a water cooler located at the door of the clubhouse. But, it’s a good idea to fill up your water bottle at home.

How many volunteer hours do I have to do?

We have a work, play or pay system at the club. You will need to work or play for at least eight hours – or be billed if your participation falls below that minimum. Please find more information here under "Membership Fees."

How do I do my volunteer hours?

You can participate in club events; paddling social events, race nights and picnics for play hours (up to 4).

As for work hours, we have a cleanup event at the start and the end of each season. Throughout the spring/summer/fall we send out calls for volunteers for specific projects that have been approved by the board. 

If you see something that needs to be done, please get in touch with a board member for permission to get started.

What happens if I don’t complete my volunteer hours?

Uncompleted work hours will be charged at $40 per hour for the first four hours, and $25 per hour for hours five to eight.

Can I add another boat?

Members who wish to add a boat must get permission first – contact your Paddling or Dinghy Rat – and obtain an additional sticker that goes on the extra boat.

Who runs Water Rat Sailing Club?

We have a board elected by members at our Annual General Meeting in the fall.

How can I meet other Rats?

At our club events; picnics, race nights and paddling socials. Or just say hi, we’re (mostly) friendly.

How do I find out what’s going on at the club?

Please read your newsletters which come out once or twice a month throughout the season.

We also recommend that you join our Facebook group where members and the board can post announcements. 

You can also find us on Instagram.

If you would like to reach us another way please speak with our Web Rat. 

What do I do in case of an emergency (either on the water or while at the club)?

Call 911. Or you can call the marine unit directly at (416) 808-5800.

Are other non-member boats allowed to land at the club?

Only in case of emergency or if they are visiting a member who is on the property.

Is there anywhere to eat nearby?

There is a chip truck most days on Cherry Beach.

On Cherry Street you'll find the Cherry Street Bar-B-Que and the nearby Keating Channel Pub and Grill. You can pick up groceries at Loblaws or Farm Boy on Leslie St.

Toronto Island also has several nice restaurants. 

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